
Who is the guy behind MovieOven?
I'm Ryan Pirtle, and I run this movie/entertainment site.
I come from a family of movie enthusiasts and business men. My great-grandfather started Pirtle Circuit of Theaters. It was a chain of art deco theaters in small towns all across Illinois.  Later they were passed down to my grandfather. Only one is still in operation today. You can visit The Stadium today in Jerseyville, IL. These theaters have long been out of our families possession but the love of movies is not. My father's love of movies were passed to me. He has introduced me to true classic movies, and tells me stories of the good old days in the movie biz, like the time their ticket line for Old Yeller wrapped around the block of his father's movie theater.

So needless to say I need to be involved in movies. I'm drawn to them, its in my blood, I make endless movie quotes all day, so much so that I dont know how not to. I needed an outlet for all the movie passion I have built up inside. And since I don't have the resources to own a circuit of theaters like my great grandfather and grandfather did, I built MovieOven. I wanted to create a site that someone can get just what they want from a movie site and nothing extra. Kind of a meat and potatoes site.

I write about past, present and future movies that I feel are interesting. Mostly you'll see news and reviews about blockbuster movies and potential ones. Also I find one of the best parts about going to a movie are the trailers. So I like to weed through all the upcoming movie trailers and post clips of those that look interesting.

So needless to say, I love everything movies, I've spent many Halloweens as Marty McFly and I plan to spend many more. I hope you like the site and get some entrainment value from it. Stop by often, I'll keep it fresh and feel free to comment on anything. Would love to hear from you.

Ryan Pirtle

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